Other Half says my face is chubby now :(
Fine I know I've gained more kilos than I should have, and my growing appetite especially for yummy fatty food like chocolates and french fries isn't helping. Sigh.
My muffin top isn't a muffin top anymore. It's an overflowing cake blob instead. How I dread the thought of losing all that extra weight. Would I have the determination? Haha. There's a nice little park near our home, and that would be perfect to jog, and go for walks. If I wanna fit back into my old clothes, then I'd have to shed the extra pounds. And cut down on my very much loved chocolate sobsob.
Fine I know I've gained more kilos than I should have, and my growing appetite especially for yummy fatty food like chocolates and french fries isn't helping. Sigh.
My muffin top isn't a muffin top anymore. It's an overflowing cake blob instead. How I dread the thought of losing all that extra weight. Would I have the determination? Haha. There's a nice little park near our home, and that would be perfect to jog, and go for walks. If I wanna fit back into my old clothes, then I'd have to shed the extra pounds. And cut down on my very much loved chocolate sobsob.