I feel blessed. Actually blessed is arguable. But I shall not argue with the fact that I'm lucky. Here's counting my lucky stars:
- I am married. Something I thought was just a dream cos of the lack of potential guys I'd meet in my industry. Who would've thought I'd be married to the most wonderful husband in the world, who loves me much more than I love myself. I have truly struck gold to have his heart ;)
- We own our little flat for over a year now :) We're lucky to get it at a time where prices were just about to rise, so our housing loan is kinda low unlike prices now. I can even afford not to work! Haha!
- I LOVE my parents. The most understanding, frank, and practical parents. There's nothing more I could ask from them.
- I have a stable job. With bosses that care. Can't thank them enough for offering me the telecommuting arrangement!
- I've never been really that stressed about school. Work, maybe. Generally I lead a stress-free life. Hence the excessive snacking. Haha!
- Friends :) Very thankful for them. Friends For Life, YinCarFangMatt, the adhoc. Friends I can rely on, friendships I hope will last our lifetime.
- We're not rich, but we're okay :) Sometimes riches aren't what we need.
- I've managed to travel quite a bit. I'm the only one in the family who got the chance (chances, actually) to venture the world (Malaysia not counted).
- Happiness. Love. To know what bliss is.