Aah. Gloomy weather again. Looks like it's gonna rain soon. The weather forecasts says sleet showers tomorrow. Seriously?? Sleet at the end of March?! That's not possible! Where's spring!! I want my blue sky!! Sadness. Yesterday was a stay at home Sunday, I like. Sweet simple Sunday :) Attempted making kuih tart, while Other Half studied. Yes! Kuih tart in London! The 172 pieces made from home have finished, and Other Half wants more. And since we're moving to a house without an oven (sobsob!!), might as well make it here and now before we move to the new, smaller, place tomorrow. We managed to find pineapple jam at our favourite Sainsbury's, made do with a normal cookie cutter instead of the usual pineapple tart mould, and also I had to modify the pineapple jam. Turned out pretty well :) Not the same, but good enough that Other Half loved it. Yay! Mission accomplished. Maybe I'll post up a foto of the tarts and other London fotos once I'm done editing. ...
Because you CAN have your cake and eat it too.